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IHCA/INCAL is pleased to host a webinar on regulatory and clinical updates for long-term care (LTC) professionals across the state of Indiana. These webinars offer a valuable platform for LTC professionals to come together and receive the latest updates and guidance on regulatory and clinical developments impacting our sector. Our team connects you with the Indiana Department of Health (IDH) experts and other key partners to keep you informed on current, immediate and important issues.
The webinars are complimentary for members and non-members.
When: Thursday’s, from 12-1 p.m. EDT
*check this page for the latest schedule*
**There is no Regulatory Roundup on the last Thursday of the month. In lieu of these meetings, IHCA/INCAL is hosting MLTSS webinars for members. Details can be found HERE.
**THE NEXT REGULATORY ROUNDUP WILL BE SEPTEMBER 19 with a Guest Speaker, Lynn Clough LTC State Ombudsman**
Or call in (audio only)
+1 463-900-4253, 240786210# United States, Indianapolis
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Topic: Resident-to-Resident Aggression
Guest Speaker: Barbara Speedling