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Spring Storms – It’s Time to Get Ready

Posted Apr 1, 20191 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

After a long cold winter, central Indiana is ready for spring.  Yet spring inevitably brings with it some  unwelcome elements – particularly strong storms. Specifically, we should be prepared for tornados, floods etc., which can quickly cause personal harm as well as significant damage to your facility. This article provides a checklist to help you be better prepared BEFORE an event arises:

  • Know your exposure: Depending on your geographical location, your facility could be at higher risk for tornado damage, floods and standing / seeping water leading to chronic mold issues.
  • Establish a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with a qualified healthcare remediation company: Having this agreement in place reduces the reaction time of your staff and the response time by said company.

Questions to consider when investigating potential partners:

  • What are their certifications?
  • Do they have disinfected and shrink wrapped equipment exclusively dedicated to healthcare facilities to avoid cross contamination?
  • Do they use rigid containment and understand negative air and disinfection?

* Identify and establish a protocol with your staff for reaching your partners:  Assign responsibilities for the above. You will have partnerships with radically different skill sets that will all need to work together. It is imperative for your staff to know WHO to call and WHEN to call them for business continuity.

Having these conversations before a disastrous event takes place is critical to your business continuity plan and resident safety.

At Moore Advanced Services Group, we specialize in healthcare restoration, remediation and disinfection.

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