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Q&A – Mandatory Vaccination Survey Process and Updated Guidance

Posted Feb 18, 20221 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

This Question and Answer (Q&A) document is meant to provide guidance on important aspects of the new mandatory vaccination survey process and the most recent updated guidance issued by the Indiana State Department of Health the week of February 9, 2022.

The Questions and answers are grouped into titled sections: Follow-up questions to CMS Stakeholder call, Visitor Testing, Surveys beginning 2/14/2022, Clarifications in new CDC guidance, Infection prevention and control Recommendations, and Additional Provider Questions.

When reading the Q&A responses, it is important to keep in mind that the responses are from the Indiana State Department of Health (Green) and the questions were formulated by Rebecca Bartle and Lori Davenport to best represent the nursing home providers in Indiana.


If you have additional questions or need further clarification, please email

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