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NHSN COVID-19 Resident Impact Historical Data

Posted Apr 21, 20211 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

On April 21, 2021, the Indiana Department of Health provided an update that the National Healthcare Safety Network’s (NHSN) COVID-19 Resident Impact Historical Data may not be uploading and saving correctly.

NHSN has recommended all users log in to the NHSN COVID-19 Module and verify their Resident Impact Field Data for the months of February and March.  Nursing facilities are encouraged to pay close attention to the data entered on February 19, 2021.  If your facility is missing any of this data, please enter the data manually or resubmit your CSV file.

If your nursing facility uses EMResource to enter your COVID-19 data, please make sure that your facility has updated the field “LTC:  Staff Non-Point of Care COV Tests” status type.  This field is required for the Resident Impact submission.

Any questions or issues may be directed to Melissa Meador at 317-439-8772 or

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