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New Pathway to Report POC Test Results through Electronic Lab Reporting Process

Posted Oct 16, 20204 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) has finalized a process by which interested facilities can compile point of care (POC) test results in a spreadsheet and send them to ISDH in a .CSV file format, known as an electronic lab reporting process.  This process is an optional alternative to replace a facility’s need to report POC test results individually through the REDCaps Survey.  However, until a facility’s transition to the electronic lab reporting process is complete, the facility should continue reporting POC test results through the REDCaps Survey.

Facilities interested in the electronic lab reporting process should contact the following four individuals at ISDH, copying all of them on the email.  After contacting the ISDH team, they will work with your facility to set up a credentialed account for you to submit POC test results going forward.

Please note, facilities that are a part of a multi-chain structure are strongly encouraged to coordinate with the IT team of your corporate strucuture prior to reaching out to ISDH, as some corporate structures may already be coordinating with ISDH to start the electronic lab reporting process.

Further details regarding the electronic lab reporting process are as follows:

  • The POC test results will be entered into this spreadsheet and must be saved as a pipe delimited .CSV format.  The file name must begin with “ISDH_SARS_CoV_2_Data.”  A sample data spreadsheet can be found here.
  • If any field value is unavailable for a result, please leave it empty/blank.  Do not delete the field.
  • The first field “Accession Number” is the number that is assigned to the test by the organization performing the test.
  • The date format for all date fields in the file should be in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • Use a Lonic code and Lonic text for all test results, such as “94309-2” and “2019-nCoV RNA XXX NAA+probe-Imp” for a PCR/RNA test. The following website should be utilized to look up codes and descriptions for the exact COVID-19 test conducted.
  • The field “Ordering Provider” is the name of the doctor who placed the test order.
  • The field “Ordering Facility” is the name, address, and phone number of the facility where the test was ordered.
  • The field “Patient County Code” can be left blank as long as a full address of the facility is entered, including the zip code.  If a full address is not entered, then the “Patient County Code” should be entered as a FIPS code value.  For a list of Indiana’s counties with corresponding FIPS codes, please click here.
  • The field “Result Text” should be entered as “Detected” or “Not Detected,” depending on whether COVID-19 was detected via the test or not.  The field “Result Code” can have a Snomed code that matches the result.  If a code is not available, then enter the same value as the “Result Text” field.
  • The field “Ordered Test” is for the name of the test that was conducted.  This can be the same value as the one entered in the the “Loinc Text” field.
  • The following codes should be utilized for the field “Patient Race”:
    • 2028-9 – Asian
    • 1002-5 – American Indian or Alaska Native
    • 2076-8  – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
    • 2106-3 – White
    • 2131-1  – Other Race
    • 2054-5  – Black or African American
  • The following codes should be utilized for the field “Patient Ethnicity”:
    • H – Hispanic or Latino
    • N – Not Hispanic or Latino
    • U – Unknown
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