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Update: Long-Term Care COVID-19 Data Reporting and EHR Survey

Posted Jul 10, 20204 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

On July 11, 2020 the ISDH released this updated guidance concerning the historical reporting of COVID-19 cases and deaths, the new REDCap survey used to capture cases and deaths within 24 hours beginning July 14th, clarification on aggregate facility-level reporting and NSHN submissions, and a request for all long term care facilities to complete a survey regarding their Electronic Health Record system vendor.

  • Historical COVID-19 Data Submission (due July 14th by 6pm).   As previously reported historical COVID-19 case and death data for residents and staff as of March 1st is due by July 14th.  Please use this updated excel form that has been corrected due to an error in the SSN input field.  If you have already submitted data prior to this updated form you do not have to resubmit.
    • NOTE that only the last 4 of the SSN is required.  ISDH changed this guidance due to security and privacy concerns of reporting the full SSN.
    • NOTE even those long-term care facilities that have had no COVID-19 cases since March 1st must submit a spreadsheet by July 14th. To complete the report, COVID free facilities should enter “NONE” into the patient first and last name fields, then enter the facility name in the appropriate field and submit.
  • Case-Level 24 Hour Reporting -New REDCaps Daily Form.  Beginning on July 14th, after submission of the historical data file, all long term care facilities (nursing homes, residential care facilities, unlicensed assisted living facilities) should use this new Long Term Care COVID-19 Case Report Form to report case-level COVID-19 positives and deaths within 24 hours:  It will REPLACE the current  “ISDH COVID-19 LHD Investigations” form.
    • NOTE all long term care facilities will receive a case-level information module email daily but are only required to use it if they have a case to report.  This email is being automated to make it easier to find.
    • NOTE ISDH asks that residents and staff that experience signs and symptoms be reported in this new form as of July 14th and going forward.
  • Aggregated Facility-Level Reporting and NHSN Clarification. ISDH is clarifying reporting of weekly aggregate facility-level and distinguishing between facilities that report to NHSN and those that do not.
    • Facilities that are “NHSN Members”, meaning the facility has an account with and reports data to NHNS, will continue to report weekly aggregate data to NSHN.  Facilities that report to NHSN will not report this data to EMResource.
    • For all other facilities that are “Non-NHSN Members”, meaning they do not report to NHSN and are primarily residential care facilities and unlicensed assisted living facilities, will report weekly aggregate data through a second new REDCaps form that will be emailed to facilities.
      • NOTE Non-NHSN member facilities will receive a REDCap URL for aggregate reporting on a daily basis, but submissions are only required weekly.  It is recommended the data be submitted on the same day/time each week.
      • Note Senior housing or other independent living facilities do not have to report data if they do not register as a Housing with Services Establishment with the state.
  • Electronic Health Record Survey – ISDH wants to learn more about your EHR systems for future data projects and reporting streamlining.  Please use this link to complete the survey:


The remainder of the ISDH guidance addresses FAQs concerning security of data being submitted, the change to including only 4 digits of the SSN in the historical and go-forward reports of COVID-19 cases and deaths, information on weekly aggregate reporting either through NHSN (primarily skilled nursing facilities) or through REDCaps (primarily residential care facilities and unlicensed assisted living), several data dictionaries, a statement about REDCaps security, and a flow chart on the data collection process.


It is important to read this guidance carefully.  Please contact Zach Cattell (, Lori Davenport (, or Laura Brown ( with questions.

About the Author

Zach Cattell, President of the Indiana Health Care Association

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