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Personal Care Attendants Ages Sixteen and Seventeen to Continue Indefinitely

Posted Apr 8, 20202 min Read


On April 8, 2020, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) issued two additional amended Emergency Orders that update earlier amended Emergency Orders authorizing comprehensive care facilities and residential care facilities to utilize Personal Care Attendants (PCA) to perform resident care procedures that do not require the skill or training of a CNA. The previous amended Emergency Orders permitted minors ages sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) to temporarily train and serve as PCAs in both comprehensive care facilities and residential care facilities.

The amended Emergency Orders released today allow minors ages sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) to serve as PCAs in comprehensive care facilities and residential care facilities continuing indefinitely, retroactive to March 16, 2020. All PCAs will still be required to first complete the applicable eight (8) hour training.

The original Emergency Order permitting comprehensive care facilities to temporarily employ PCAs eighteen (18) years or older and outlining the required training can be found here, the first amended Emergency Order permitting comprehensive care facilities to temporarily employ PCAs sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) years of age can be found here, and the second amended Emergency Order released today to allow those PCAs sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) years of age to continue indefinitely can be found here.

The original Emergency Order permitting residential care facilities to temporarily employ PCAs eighteen

(18) years or older and outlining the required training can be found here, the first amended Emergency Order permitting residential care facilities to temporarily employ PCAs sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) years of age can be found here, and the second amended Emergency Order released today to allow those PCAs sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) years of age to continue indefinitely can be found here.

As a reminder, following any completed PCA training, the spreadsheet linked here should be updated and submitted to

About the Author

Laura Brown, Director of Legislative and Legal Affairs

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