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Count Me In – 2020 US Census

Posted Feb 13, 20202 min Read


Count Me In – 2020 US Census


The next decennial census is just around the corner. Since 1790, when the first census was taken, the U.S. Constitution mandates that everyone in the country be counted every 10 years.

Indiana’s Complete Count Committee is working with the Census Bureau and their own constituencies to promote the upcoming census using members’ knowledge, networks and ideas—with a special emphasis on reaching hard-to-count populations. Our friends at the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration are participating in the state’s Complete Count Committee and are working to ensure that our community is accurately represented.

Why is the Census Important?
The census provides critical data that lawmakers, business owners, teachers, and many others use to provide daily services, products, and support for you and your community. Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data. Responding to the 2020 Census is our civic duty and affects the allocation of funding for our community’s public resources, how we plan for the future, and our voice in government.

How Can You Participate?

By April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. There are three options for responding: Online, by phone and by mail.

In mid-March, households will begin receiving official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. If you or your loved one is a resident of a skilled nursing facility or an assisted living community, the Census Bureau will contact the facility’s administrator to ensure that you are counted in the 2020 Census. If you are an administrator, click here to learn more about important information to you assist you with the enumeration process. For more information, please visit

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