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Webinar Open to All

Medical Director Toolkit

When: Ongoing


Members: Complimentary | Non-Members: $25

About This Event

This guide was created to assist facility leadership (Administrators and DONs) in establishing, maintaining, and improving relationships between leadership and the facility’s Medical Director. The guide outlines regulatory requirements for policies and procedures, as well as how policies apply to Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) submissions. Job responsibilities are provided, per regulation, but facilities will need to tailor this information to meet the specific facility/resident needs. Best practices are included to encourage the strengthening of relationships with Medical Directors and provoke thought into how to establish and/or improve these relationships.

Audience: Facility leadership, DONs, Administrators, and Medical Director

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Questions about this event?

Please email Katie, IHCA/INCAL’s director of education, using the form below.

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