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Workshop Open to All

Residential Care and Health Facility Administrator Fall Course (RCA/HFA)

When: September 19 - October 27, 2023 @ 8:00am EST


About This Event

If you are looking to turn your “job” into a real career, the Indiana Health Care Association and Success Development could be your source to obtain that opportunity. RCA/HFA courses give you the chance to change your life and your situation. They allow the potential inside you to come out and fulfill your destiny.

This state-approved six-week program (four-week for RCA) will provide you the informational foundation needed to have a successful AIT/internship experience and to pass the RCA/HFA licensing exams —after completing the five/six-month internship requirement in a residential care or healthcare facility.

Course content includes:

  • Residential/Comprehensive Administrator Roles and Responsibilities
  • Resident Care and Rights (Quality of Life)
  • Family Care
  • Employee Care
  • Facility Care
  • Acts, Laws, Regulations, Codes, Rules

2023 Dates:

RCA – September 19- October 13 (4-weeks) [Virtual}

HFA – September 19 -October 27 (6-weeks) [Virtual]

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