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Stand Up For Hoosier Seniors

Support Alternative Solutions

Our Seniors and Loved Ones Deserve Better

Indiana is moving ahead with a worrisome plan to pay insurance companies hundreds of millions of dollars to take over the state's long-term care Medicaid program. The state's transition to insurance-driven managed care will be detrimental to Hoosier seniors and their caregivers.

50,000+ Hoosiers Impacted

$300M+ Reallocated to Insurers

Service Denials and Claim Payment Delays

Support Alternative Solutions

Health care providers and other stakeholders are advocating for meaningful action now to protect seniors from insurance-driven managed care. We have proposed an alternative model to the State’s insurance-only approach and have prioritized four actions.

What Do Hoosiers Want?

Hoosiers Support Alternative Solutions

The Indiana Health Care Association surveyed 1,000 Hoosiers to know about their reaction to the State’s transition to insurance-driven managed care.

The survey analysis clearly indicates that Hoosiers do NOT want insurance companies to control their health care decisions.

How Have Other States Approached Long-Term Care Reform

ATI Advisory,  one of the nation’s leading experts in conducting research and leading change in senior care recently published a research-backed white paper that explores alternative models  to integrated care across seven states (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington).

Their research found that non-MLTSS models can successfully deliver against key strategic policy objectives such as balance and budgetary control, while demonstrating high beneficiary satisfaction with services.


Achieving HCBS Balance in Indiana using alternatives to MLTSS

Economic modeling of alternatives to managed care based on federal evaluation of states that have implemented both managed care and alternative models.

The modeling demonstrates that administrative fees to managed care insurers will run between $373m to $379m annually under the state’s plan.  It also shows, based on federal evaluation data of other states’ implementation of managed care and alternatives models, that the percentage of users in the community will be less under managed care (54% of users in the community) than it would be with a locally managed alternative to managed care (57% of users in the community), yet managed care insurers will still be paid hundreds of millions of dollars.


Take Action Now

Our seniors and loved ones deserve better than what the state is proposing! Contact your legislator by submitting the letter below, telling them that you don’t want insurance companies taking over Hoosiers’ long-term care services.  If you wish to customize the message or have any questions, please contact us.


Make Your Voice Heard