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Residential Citation Update – December 2024

Posted Jan 28, 20253 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

The Indiana Department of Health reports the following survey activity and/or outcomes for the month of December 2024:

  • Complaint Investigations – 14
  • Recertification Survey – 10
  • State Residential License – 6
    • Deficiency Free – 5
    • Offense Tags – 2
    • Deficiency Tags – 24
    • Total Residential Tags – 26

Offense Tags are as follows:

Tag 052 (1 time) Residents’ Rights Offense – Residents have the right to be free from 1) sexual abuse; 2) physical abuse; 3) mental abuse; 4) corporal punishment; 5) neglect; and 6) involuntary seclusion.

Tag 241 (1 time) Health Services Deficiency – The administration of medications and the provision of residential nursing shall be as ordered by the resident’s physician and shall be supervised by a licensed nurse on the premises or on call as follows: 1) Medication shall be administered by a licensed nursing personnel or qualified medication aides.

The Top Residential Tags are as follows:

Tag 273 (6 times) — Food and Nutritional Services Deficiency – All food preparation and serving areas (excluding areas in residents’ units) are maintained in accordance with state and local sanitation and safe food handling standards, including 410 IAC 7-24.

Tag 217 (2 times) — Evaluation Deficiency – Following completion of an evaluation, the facility using appropriately trained staff members, shall identify and document the services to be provided by the facility as follows: 1) The services offered to the individual resident shall be appropriate to the: A) scope; B) frequency C) need; and D) preference; of the resident 2) The services offered shall be reviewed and revised as appropriate and discussed by the resident and facility as needs or desires change. Either the facility or the resident may request a service plan review. 3) The agreed upon service plan shall be signed and dated by the resident, and a copy of the service plan shall be given to the resident upon request. 4) No identification and documentation of services provided is needed if evaluations after the initial evaluation indicate no need for a change in services. 5) If administration of medications or the provision of residential nursing services, or both, is needed, a licensed nurse shall be involved in identification and documentation of the services to be provided.

Tag 243 (2 times) — Health Services Deficiency – The individual administering the medication shall document the administration in the individual’s medication and treatment records that indicate the: A) time; B) name of medication or treatment; C) dosage (if applicable); and D) name or initials of the person administering the drug or treatment.

Tag 246 (2 times) – Health Services Deficiency – PRN medications may be administered by a qualified medication aide (QMA) only upon authorization by a licensed nurse or physician. The QMA must receive appropriate authorization for each administration of a PRN medication. All contacts with a nurse or physician not on the premises for authorization to administer PRNs shall be documented in the nursing notes indicating the time and date of the contact.

Tag 090 (2 times) – Administration and Management Deficiency – The administrator is responsible for the overall management of the facility. The responsibilities of the administrator shall include, but not limited to, the following: 1) Informing the division within twenty-four (24) hours of becoming aware of an unusual occurrence that directly threatens the welfare, safety, or health of a resident.

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