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Posted Nov 26, 20243 min Read
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new QSO memo on Nov. 18, 2024 – “Revised Long-Term Care (LTC) Surveyor Guidance.” There are no new regulations, however there are significant revisions to the surveyor guidance in Appendix PP to enhance quality and oversight of the LTC survey process.
The entire document is a total of 902 pages that includes but is not limited to the following areas:
The following are the Critical Element Pathway Updates:
AHCA has expressed major concerns for 1-4, Moderate concerns for 5 & 6, Positive about 7 & 8 and Neutral for 9 &10. IHCA and AHCA will continue to review and consider the impact of the updated guidance, continue advocacy to CMS/Administration and develop resources to support members. A team is dissecting 902 pages and obtaining clarification. IHCA will keep members informed of time sensitive updates.
The changes will be effective, and surveyors will begin surveying based on the updated guidance, Feb. 24, 2025.