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Posted Nov 7, 20172 min Read
Last week, OMPP communicated to IHCA that they will be launching an end of therapy data collection project. The project will involve a request to providers to submit end of therapy date information that has not been collected (due to timing or other reasons) on the MDS assessment. This data will be used for July 1, 2018 rates and is an effort to base the Medicaid case mix on an accurate accounting of the number of therapy days. The state provided a fiscal impact showing a statewide increase in reimbursement. That fiscal impact document can be found here.
IHCA has been working with OMPP the past week to understand both the scope and timeline for this project. The initial timeline OMPP provided included a due date of 11.30.17 for the first batch of therapy dates. IHCA expressed concern with this compressed timeframe, and OMPP agreed to give providers more time by pushing out the due date to 12.31.17. In addition, IHCA expressed concern about the volume of dates needed. OMPP confirmed that they have approximately 75% percent of therapy dates from the MDS and so providers will only have to submit the remainder.
OMPP has provided training guides and reference materials in advance for our review. The training includes a 6-minute video, and all materials can be found here. No log-in should be needed to access the documents. Please review these materials and email back comments, concerns or questions to Elizabeth Eichhorn at no later than Wednesday, November 9. We would like to provide feedback on the materials so that they are clear and will allow for a smooth data collection process. We expect OMPP to send a formal request for this information to providers within the next week.