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Posted Nov 26, 20243 min Read
Note: CMS has not yet approved the pre-print application for the PathWays managed care program, which may impact UPL distribution timing and calculation. FSSA provided an update on this during a recent Nursing Home Steering Committee meeting.
As a reminder, the pre-print application outlines the state’s managed care program including policies, procedures, capitation rates, payments rates, etc. including how UPL supplemental payments are computed and paid. While FSSA is hopeful that approval will come in December, there are no guarantees especially given the change in administration in DC. The UPL release process currently takes thirty days from release of data to payments due to a 15-day reconsideration period after release of calculations. This means if FSSA waits for CMS approval sometime in December, payment would not occur until probably January. FSSA wants to try to make payment in December if possible.
As a result, FSSA proposed changing the UPL process to try and get through the reconsideration process by early to mid-December, so funds can be released as soon as the state receives approval. To that end, the steering committee discussed the following changes to the UPL process:
We believe the above changes should allow FSSA to make payment in December assuming approval is received and that there are no significant changes proposed by CMS. If CMS approval is not received by mid-December, FSSA and the state budget agency will have to decide if they will make the UPL payments without that approval. The association members of the Steering Committee expressed the need for the payments, given the cash flow disruption from the implementation of PathWays and that there was little risk to the state of recoupment issues with providers. However, FSSA expressed concern that they would be advancing 100% state funds since they could not claim the payments as Medicaid payments eligible for federal financial participation until the pre-print is approved. FSSA will continue to push on CMS for approval given the pre-print was filed in March and due to the imminent payment deadline.