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Eye Protection Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities

Posted Oct 19, 20201 min Read

Regulatory & Clinical

On October 19, 2020, the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) updated its guidance on the use of eye protection in long-term care facilities, which can be found in full here. This guidance applies to both comprehensive care facilities (nursing facilities) and residential care facilities (licensed assisted living communities).  

ISDH is recommending the use of eye protection as a standard safety measure to protect long-term care health care personnel (HCP) who provide essential direct care within six (6) feet of a resident, particularly when conducting procedures that may lead to sprays and splashes.  High-risk examples include assistance in showers, assistance in toileting, hygiene, changing linens, and environmental cleaning.  Some lower-risk examples include medication assistance, glucose monitoring, and dropping off meals.

The ISDH guidance applies to the delivery of care for all residents in facilities with one (1) or more symptomatic and/or COVID-positive residents.

Face shields are the recommended source of eye protection.  The ISDH guidance states goggles/safety glasses are permitted as well, but they must fit close to the face and should not have gaps at the side of the glasses/goggles.  Please note, face shields and goggles should be worn in addition to a surgical facemask.