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Congressman Greg Pence Receives IHCA/INCAL Public Servant of the Year Award

Posted Aug 22, 20244 min Read

Press Release

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Aug. 22, 2024) – The Indiana Health Care Association/Indiana Center for Assisted Living at its annual Convention and Expo presented U.S. Congressman Greg Pence (R-IN) the Public Servant of the Year Award.

IHCA/INCAL is the state’s largest trade association and advocacy group representing more than 515 for-profit and not-for-profit long-term care communities that employ and provide care to more than 100,000 Hoosiers.

The award recognizes distinguished public servants who champion and advance the long-term care profession in Indiana, and support aged and disabled Hoosiers.

“Congressman Pence values Hoosier health-care workers and recognizes the effort they put in every day to provide quality care to others,” said Paul Peaper, IHCA/INCAL president. “It is my honor to present Congressman Pence with the IHCA/INCAL Public Servant of the Year Award. On behalf of the long-term care communities across Indiana, we thank him for his commitment and are incredibly grateful for his public service.”

As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and its Subcommittee on Health, Pence focused on supporting policies and taking actions to aid the nation’s aging population, and the practitioners who care for elderly and vulnerable Americans in nursing homes, rural hospitals and other medical facilities. Notably, he expressed significant concern with the new Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ rule to impose untenable staffing requirements and standards on nursing homes, which 97% of nursing homes in Indiana currently cannot meet. Pence helped lead 91 of his colleagues on a bipartisan letter stating these concerns to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

“It is truly humbling and such an honor to receive this award,” Pence said. “As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, my goal has been to ensure that Hoosiers are able to get the quality health care they deserve and to support the health-care workers who make that possible. I’m grateful to have had the privilege of helping shape policy to support our long-term care industry and for the invaluable support of IHCA/INCAL.”

During an April House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing titled, “Fiscal Year 2025 Department of Health and Human Services Budget,” Pence provided remarks that centered on the impacts of workforce shortages, noting:

“Health care facilities are struggling to maintain existing staff and rising salaries, let alone find enough qualified individuals to fill open positions. The proposed rule does nothing to answer where this new workforce will come from. I am afraid in five years’ time the administration will set up nursing homes for failure and to close. Knowing that nursing homes are still struggling to maintain their current staffing levels, let alone hire new qualified staff, how can the administration move forward with this drastic increase in minimum staffing ratios?”

“When the aged need a voice, Congressman Pence boldly stands up for them and works hard to protect their needs,” Peaper said. “He has been an incredible advocate for older Hoosiers and their caretakers, and we’re grateful for his service to our country.”

Pence is not seeking re-election after serving three terms in the U.S. House.


IHCA/INCAL is the state’s largest trade association and advocacy group representing for-profit and not-for-profit nursing homes, as well as assisted living communities and independent living.

The association provides education, information, and advocacy for health care providers, consumers, and the workforce on behalf of its more than 515 member facilities. Visit IHCA.Org to learn more.

About the Author

Media Contact: Courtney Heiden

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